One of the things Youology is all about is supporting you in losing weight. I know it’s an issue for many of you and I totally feel your pain. In fact, my cousin used to call me ‘Oprah’ as my weight has gone up and down over the years!

But now that I’m older I’m happy to say it’s more stabilised. And (I think) this is partly due to not going to product launch events all the time. LOL. Seriously, as a previous magazine health and beauty editor, we were very spoiled and chocolates, cupcakes, Champagne and the best restaurants were often laid on for us. While that was beautiful it wasn’t so good for the waistline.

Weight loss & growing older

Then I turned 40 and the ease with which I could lose weight if I said no to all of the above became difficult. Indeed, a combo of perimenopause and an ex-mother-in-law who filled the cupboards with treats for the kids plus drinking copious quantities of wine with my partner saw my weight balloon.

The rest of the story is I got sick, changed the way I lived and with that my weight stabilised. So I know how it rolls and I also know how to get to grips with weight gain, lifestyle and hormones.

Weight loss isn’t easy

I became a certified holistic health coach to help others find happiness with their weight, hormones and skin. Then Youology was born! So if you need help losing weight I can help, but there’s no sugar-coating it, losing weight isn’t easy. Those first few days and weeks can be particularly challenging but once you get into the groove you feel so great and look so good it’s addictive. And after about 21 days it starts to become easier and more visible.

What to expect on days 1-21 of your weight loss program

First of all, I suggest cleaning out your pantry and fridge of no-nos. And then going shopping to stock up on everything you need. Furthermore, purchasing a journal specifically for this time to record all of your plans and prep is handy. (Don’t underestimate the power of a journal – they’re gold.) Or, if you’re digitally inclined, get one of those folders with the clear pages for inserts to pop all of your planning printouts into. FYI: If you’re following 21-day Detox we highly recommend this.

Whatever way you’re choosing to go – whether you’re allowing us to partner with you or if you’re going it alone – here are some tips on what to expect during those first few weeks.

Day One: excitement, enthusiasm & motivation

You’re psyched and ready to kick off with a bang. Those excess kilos? Out they go! Nothing’s going to stop you from reaching your goal. Prep your friends and family. Ask for their support so they’re not foisting cakes and wine on you – a number one way to foil your plans.

Day 2-7: cravings, fatigue, irritability

Once the initial excitement is over that first week can be a bit of a challenge as your body adjusts to your lifestyle changes, and your stomach literally shrinks. Although it’s really the size of a fist but it expands to accommodate your food load. I find if I get really, really, really hungry a tablespoon of coconut oil takes the edge off and it’s good for my skin too. Eat little and often during this time. Eight almonds, an apple with peanut butter – good fat with protein is filling. And if you’re intermittent fasting have your snacks through your eating window. In my experience days 3-6 are the most difficult, so hang in there! Message us for motivation if you like. 🙂

Days 8-10: keep going!

I find this is the time when the temptation is high to throw in the towel. While you may have lost a kg or two you could be finding it toooouuugggghhhh. Don’t quit. Be aware that this is a peak/hump time. If you can make it through you’ll feel so good and your motivation and determination will come back. So, again, lean on us or join our Facebook page and sing out for support.

Days 11-21: you’re on a roll

Depending on your prior lifestyle, habits, history and how much weight you have to lose you’ll be feeling more comfortable with your new routine. And your sugar and junk food cravings should be gone and have changed to cravings for lots of vegetables and good stuff. Indeed, you won’t feel so hungry in between eating times, and you may be sleeping better (because your blood sugar is more stable without processed foods). What’s more, your moods ought to be sunnier (without processed food your hormones should be more balanced). And you could well have dropped 1.5-3kgs and your clothes will be showing it.

NB: If you’re finding it very, very difficult to lose weight you could be insulin resistant. This means you will likely not find it easy to shift the weight. Insulin resistance can come about from a long history of eating poorly. Your body no longer processes insulin as well and carbs and sugars are more easily converted to fat. In addition, there may be other reasons for weight loss resistance but if we’re working together we can look at that.

However, if you’ve reached this far in your weight loss journey congratulations! You’re on your way to reaching your goals.


Put your hand up in the air, turn it around and pat yourself on the back 🙂

Remember; if you need any help from us just sing out, we’re here for you!


Here are links to our programmes:


As always I hope this helps.



Photo by Huha Inc. on Unsplash


I love to share this link because if becoming a health coach
floats your boat I highly recommend it. 🙂