Caring for your skin on the daily is important as there are many factors that can negatively impact it. Think pollution, makeup, eating unhealthy foods, stress, and much, much more. These variables can cause many side effects, including acne, dryness, red marks, and pesky wrinkles. A good skincare regime can kick these to the curb and leave your skin smooth and glowing.  

As you know solutions abound that can improve the condition of your skin. There’s a multitude of skincare ranges and a plethora of treatments many of which are worth their weight in skin-cherishing gold.

For now, though, we hit the kitchen to see what’s on offer.


5 Skincare Ingredients From The Kitchen Pantry


1. Lemon Juice 


Do you think it sounds harsh? In actual fact, the acidic properties of lemon juice can do wonders for your skin. The acidity helps to cleanse the pores, exfoliating the skin, helping to rid it of pimples and blackheads. It also prevents more popping up in the future. Lemon juice is packed with antioxidants and vitamins. These help rid the skin or red spots and dark spots, resulting in an overall brighter complexion.

Lemon juice can be applied directly using a cloth or cotton ball. Be cautious when using pure juice though because the high acidity can be irritating. I remember all too well being a skincare obsessed youngster attempting to lighten my freckles with undiluted lemon juice! It wasn’t pretty.

For less potency mix the lemon juice with some water or make a mask with honey, turmeric, milk and coconut oil. Leave the mask on for 15 to 30 minutes, then rinse it off. 


2. Green Tea 


You probably know green tea has many health benefits including aiding weight loss, strengthening hair and increasing energy levels. And…ta da…it can also help you achieve healthy skin. The antioxidants in green tea help rid the pores of bacteria, decreasing inflammation, acne, and symptoms of conditions like rosacea. It also removes dead skin cells and promotes healthier cells, helping them grow and heal more effectively. This leads to smooth and younger-looking skin.  

Soaked green tea bags can be applied directly to dark spots. There is also the option of creating a simple face mask mixing up a blend with a green tea base. Some common ingredients that can be used include water, oils, aloe, turmeric, sugar, and banana. 


3. Aloe Vera   


Aloe vera is most commonly used to soothe the skin after a sunburn. However, it also has many other benefits and can help naturally brighten your skin. Aloe can reduce hyperpigmentation or dark spots on the face and body with its moisturising and purifying qualities. The enzymes, vitamins, acids, and other properties in the aloe plant’s gel help fight infection and reduce redness and inflammation.  

Aloe in its original form comes in a gel substance from the plant. This can be applied to any part of the body directly from the leaves. 

4. Epsom Salt 


Photo by Rebecca from Pexels

We love Epsom salt! It’s full of the mighty mineral magnesium and can help exfoliate and draw toxins from the skin. Epsom salt reduces redness and inflammation and has anti-bacterial properties that soothe itchy skin and reduce infections. For those with atopic dermatitis or eczema, Epsom salt can be particularly helpful in reducing irritation and lessening redness. 

Add one to two cups of salt to a warm bath and soak in the water. Pop in a few drops of a beautiful, high-quality essential oil like lavender pre-bed for extra luxury. A small spoonful can also be added to body and face washes for extra exfoliation.


5. Coconut Oil  


Coconut oil provides an effective solution for many skin types due to the wide range of benefits it provides. It has anti-fungal and bacterial properties, strengthens and moisturises skin, protects against sunburn and harsh weather, and reduces redness. These many benefits can help relieve symptoms of various skin conditions, such as the dry, flaky skin associated with psoriasis. Not only does coconut oil protect the skin, it also nourishes it below the surface. 

Coconut oil is a super simple natural remedy to use. Simply rubbing a small amount onto the face and body does the trick. It may leave an oily appearance directly after application, but it’ll be quickly absorbed. Coconut oil can also be added to face masks to give them a skin-cherishing boost.  


Keeping It Natural

Pollutants, skin diseases, and other elements of daily life can take a negative toll on your precious complexion. Taking care of it repays you with a glowing radiance and a more youthful look. You won’t find these natural remedies on beauty store shelves, but they’ll help you maintain a wonderful glow inexpensively. 


Thanks for stopping by!

Yours in health & happiness ☺️



All images from Unsplash unless otherwise stated.