Good Reads for You

7 Ways To Beat Belly Fat 😬

OK, let's talk about belly fat even though you might not want to! I get it, I really do. It's kind of not nice when it rears its head (so to speak). But the thing is, once we're over 40, diminishing...

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Beauty & Grooming Tip #6

Beauty tip #6. Welcome to Skin School where we share easy-to-use beauty and grooming tips. Youtherising. Meaning: looking and feeling your best at any age. 💋   True fact.   A...

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5 Reasons We Love Dark Chocolate

It doesn’t matter how healthily we eat there comes a time when we all enjoy a little bit of a treat. It’s the human condition. And we should definitely indulge every now and then but sensibly...

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Why Choose Natural Beauty?

Most of the world’s interested in natural skincare and makeup these days, it’s a mega-industry. For good reason. As you may know, I'm a former magazine health and beauty editor. When I started I was...

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Greenology Smoothie

Smoothie time! Seriously, we're having a smoothie fest at the mo as you may know if you dropped by a couple of months ago when we shared this yummy Peppermint Smoothie recipe. The other day I saw...

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The Skin’s Microbiome

Did you know you're a superorganism? Well, you are! 🤣 🤣 🤣 Here's why. The term ‘microbiome’ has been buzzing around the globe for quite a while now. Historically it’s been...

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Beauty & Grooming Tip #3

Beauty tip #3 Welcome to Skin School where we share easy-to-use beauty and grooming tips. Youtherising. Meaning: looking and feeling your best at any age. 💋 Beauty doesn't have to be...

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Beauty & Grooming Tip #2

Beauty tip #2 Welcome to Skin School where we share easy-to-use beauty and grooming tips. Youtherising. Meaning: looking and feeling your best at any age. 💋 Beauty doesn't have to be...

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7 Acids For Healthy Skin

When someone talks about acid you probably think of chemicals that bubble and burn rather than healthy skin. Luckily, this isn't always the case. There are many types of acids and some of them...

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There's a new term in town: Inflamm-aging. What Is Inflamm-aging and why should you care? Inflamm-aging can affect everything from our skin to our muscle tone and flexibility, and of course our...

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Beauty & Grooming Tip #1

Beauty tip #1 Welcome to Skin School where we share easy-to-use beauty and grooming tips. Youtherising. Meaning: looking and feeling your best at any age. 💋 Beauty doesn't have to be...

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The Sleep-Skin Connection

Beauty sleep really is a ‘thing’. We’ve heard the term beauty sleep bandied around for aeons, but did you know it’s more than just a cute term? In fact, it’s something we should take seriously...

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Coffee – Yes or No?

Raise your hand if you reach for a cup of coffee in the morning! It's one of the most popular beverages in the world so if you’re like a lot of folks a cappuccino or flat white is a great way to...

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Inside Out Radiance

What do we mean by inside out radiance? Quite simply that the foundation of radiant skin is your inner health. Genetics, age and skincare play a significant part but the absolute crux of it lies in...

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Insulin Resistance Explained

Insulin resistance and insulin sensitivity are one of the crucial keys to weight loss. Definitions:  Insulin Sensitivity: when the cells of the body respond to the hormone insulin secreted by the...

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✨ Get Glowing ✨

We all want to have glowing skin, don’t we? To achieve the radiance that emanates from a healthy complexion? It's the kind of glow that comes from being healthy on the inside and happy in your skin...

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How To Cleanse Your Face

How to cleanse your face. I can hear you asking - really? Am I seriously going to cover how to clean your face? I get that it sounds crazy for something that seems so basic. However, there are a few...

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Good Guts

The 'gut' has been a bit of a buzzword around the globe for a while now. Sometimes buzzwords aren't helpful. 🤔 This is a good one though because it's made people more aware of how a happy,...

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Buddha Bowls 🥗

Just lately I've been obsessing over buddha bowls, the nutrient-dense, waistline loving, hormone cherishing, visually stunning, vibrantly colourful beauties that have become more and more popular...

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10 Ways To Live A Vibrant Life

When it comes to living your best life our choices of food, drink, exercise and daily activities make all the difference. No surprises there but sometimes we need a quick check-in to see how we’re...

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3 Simple Ways To Feel Happier

3 Simple Ways To Feel Happier

COVID-19 has seen many of us experience a gamut of emotions from fear, to anxiety, to emotional fallout to uncertainty but most of us have discovered we're made of very resilient and resourceful...

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Smoky Vegetarian Chilli

  Have you had times lately when you've wanted food that's just that little bit heavier? In New Zealand, the temperature is dropping and it's definitely felt like that! So we decided we needed...

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The Art of Skin-Mapping

The Art of Skin-Mapping

Skin-Mapping is a method of determining your internal health from the condition of your skin. It's an example of how ancient wisdom still reigns, but also how enlightened we've become in our quest...

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5 Reasons To Stretch Every Day

5 Reasons To Stretch Every Day

5 Reasons Why You Should Stretch Every Morning As we grow older certain things happen to our bodies. We become less flexible, we experience back and joint pain and we may start suffering from bad...

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Overnight Oats

I can't remember where I first had overnight oats but for me, it was a moment on the lips forever on my faves list! 🤣🤣🤣 They taste more like a treat than a healthy meal...

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SeedSational Bread

A while ago I fell in love with a bread recipe made from nuts and seeds psyllium husk powder. I worked with it to make the recipe my own and then my computer broke and I lost it. And no, I hadn't...

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Meet Clarity

Who's Clarity? She's an app! The Clarity App - improving the lives of women through mindfulness, relaxation and sleep. I came across Clarity on my research wanderings and am excited to share her...

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Nutty, Spicy Dukkah

Have you ever tried Dukkah? It's delicious and it's also good for you. Don't you love a double bonus like that when it comes to food?! I adapted this recipe after falling in love with it on Sarah...

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Raspberry & Banana Nice Cream

It's been rather warm around these parts lately and I've been mainlining this delicious 'nice cream'. A bit of a play on ice cream 'nice cream' equates to clean eating aka guilt-free...

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Dream Catchers

Dream Catchers is an amazing series presented, directed and produced by Hilary Timmins. Hilary graced New Zealand television screens for over 20 years - 15 of those as the hostess of Lotto before...

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Positive Affirmations

Positive Affirmations

Life is a rollercoaster ride with many ups and downs. We face stress daily in the news, in our relationships, careers, finances, politics…you name it.  How easy it is to get trapped in a negative...

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Cauliflower Crust Pizza

Pizza. Ahhh. I think I'm an addict! In Italy, I had it for dinner just about every night! In true Italian style, there are two types of pizza: red and white. Red obviously has the traditional pizza...

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