A hormone and belly fat detox?
Yep, a hormone and belly fat detox. Well, more of a reset really, detox can be a bit misleading.
But whatever the moniker, it’s your route to happy hormones, a happy weight and a happy life. Plus it has the added bonus of radiant skin and oodles of energy.
We live in a world where we hear a lot about hormones and peri (menopause) and menopause!
Is it just me because this is what I do, or is it quite a trendy subject right now?
The buzz fades a bit when people move from hormones to peri/menopause – the menopause stigma’s still alive and well although it’s diminishing. Indeed, midlife can be exactly the time when you need more awareness and education.
Even those who have sailed through their younger lives with no hormonal issues can suddenly become VERY aware of them at peri/menopause.
Here’s the lowdown on peri & menopause
And that’s when all the hoopla can start because progesterone’s low and estrogen doesn’t just decline it goes through highs and lows like a rollercoaster ride.
So the ratios are askew and your hormones are imbalanced which can lead to weight gain, mood swings, irregular periods, tender breasts and estrogen dominance. And for some of us, what I call Menozilla, which is a take on Bridezilla.
However these things manifest for you, the hormonal chaos can be life-altering.
In addition, many of us become frustrated with weight gain we can’t seem to budge. But, and here’s the thing, weight gain can often signal out-of-balance hormones; if we get things back on an even keel it’s easier to lose.
It’s complicated but that’s one aspect of the equation.
What are hormones?
Hormones are chemical substances that influence the functioning of the body. Essentially, hormones are messengers that control and coordinate activities all through the body.
Why are they important?
Hormones help determine weight, physique, mood, fertility, behaviour, digestion, and pretty much everything else, so it’s paramount to keep them stable. If you have a clear understanding of what the major hormones do in the body, then you’ll be able to take charge of your health.
For example, melatonin in the brain ensures that you sleep soundly at night. Cortisol modulates your stress response. Thyroid hormones are responsible for metabolism.
Hormonal imbalance
Your liver is the major organ in play when we’re working with sex hormones like estrogen. It’s our primary detoxification and filtration system that cleanses your blood and protects your body from toxin overload. When hormones have done their job and are spent, the body dumps them into the bloodstream where they are sent to the liver to be metabolised and excreted through bile or urine.
The Benefits of Doing a Hormone Detox
A reset has many benefits:
1. It helps balance peri/menopause symptoms
The midlife transition – as menopause is sometimes called – can create a maelstrom of unwelcome changes in the body. If you find yourself crying frequently or flying off the handle at the drop of the hat it’s quite likely you’re in perimenopause.
And, sorry to break it to you but it’s usually not a short journey, it can last anywhere from four-10 years depending on your unique body. Personally, to manage it naturally I use and recommend MenoMe’s products (I loved them so much I joined the company!) along with whole foods, exercise (not too hard out) and mind work. This foursome seems to settle things down. They have for me and I’ve managed to keep my weight stable since it escalated 20kgs at the beginning of my perimenopause journey. In fact, I’ve created a program that uses my learnings to deliver the same results to you.
2. It boosts your immune system
A huge effect of detoxification is that your body tends to perform much better digestion-wise, has more stable cortisol (stress) and blood sugar levels, a clear brain and less inflammation. Which in turn leads to improved immune response.
3. It decreases inflammation
As I noted above, by keeping your diet healthy and full of nutrients (on a whole food reset), you will experience significantly reduced inflammation. Thus, you’ll be less susceptible to chronic diseases and any aches and pains you may be experiencing can almost magically disappear in some instances.
4. It gives you healthier-looking skin
Getting rid of toxins, free radicals, and heavy metals will not only keep you healthy inside but will also make your skin look healthy and fresh. A whole food reset also floods the body with phytochemicals (nutrients) needed to really get your glow on!
5. It enhances your mood
An excess of toxins and free radicals affects brain performance and interferes with a person’s mental and emotional state. By getting rid of these, you will experience a significant improvement in terms of mood and your overall energy level. Bonus? Reducing cortisol and regulating sleep also help with mood.
6. It balances weight
A stressed body holds weight. Why? Stress equates to the feeling of being chased by a sabre-toothed tiger or facing famine and not knowing when the next meal will come. The body’s intrinsic survival hormone (cortisol) opts to store fat if food is scarce or stress is prolonged. The long and short is, that reducing the stress often allows stubborn weight to balance without extraordinary effort as thyroid hormones normalise and the liver is better able to function.
Isn’t that brilliant?
I asked myself how would it feel to lose weight and fit my jeans again? How would it feel to stop feeling irritated and angry? How would it feel to have balanced energy, a rocking sex drive, sound, deep sleep, glowing skin, and no more fear of feeling like I was going mad?
That’s why Youology is Youology and why we have the 21-Day Hormone Detox. You can take a look at it here.
If you would like some step-by-step help to get rid of belly fat, increase insulin sensitivity, love your liver and gut and create space for happy hormones, happy weight, happy skin and a happy life, do get in touch with me.
I’m Jenna, an accredited holistic health coach with a passion for helping women after 40 with weight gain and bullying peri / menopause hormones.
I do this work because I’ve been there so I pivoted careers and hit the (study) books so that I could find answers and share them with you. 🙂
Yours in health & happiness 🙋