We first wrote about One Truth 818 Serum a few years ago when it first launched, and I’ve just fallen across the original article.

It was dated 25th June 2017 and my view on it hasn’t changed although I’m not currently using it. If you read about it then it’s a pretty sure bet that – like mine – your skin is more mature now. With that in mind, it seemed like a good time to revisit it. 🙂

Gobsmackingly Good

If you’re seriously serious about your skin looking as youthful and vibrant as you can possibly get it then I have news for you. One Truth 818 Serum. This serum is set to turn the ‘youtherising’ industry on its head. 

If you’ve been dropping by for a while you’ll know I’m a bit of a science boffin and really into skin health, it’s my background and my passion.

So I’m excited to tell you about One Truth 818 Serum. I first learned of it from Louise Gray of Louise Gray Skin Care. She’s a beauty therapist with a nursing background who is also passionate about skin health. She’d told me she’d been – and I quote –  ‘gobsmacked’ by Truth 818. Well, guess what? So am I.

The byline: ‘when it comes to anti-aging there is only 1 TRUTH. Tried. Tested. The Truth’

The Science

There’s quite a bit of science behind it. I’ll attempt to shortcut it for you and ferret out a video for any other science buffs. 

You know part of our biological makeup is chromosomes right? Well, at the end of those chromosomes are little tips like shoelace caps. These are called telomeres and from the time we’re conceived they start to shorten. This – along with cells ceasing to divide – is the cause of ageing.

Nobel Prize Winner

Enter world-renowned Telomere Biologist Dr Bill Andrews. He’s devoted to turning – what he terms the disease – of ageing on its head. That said, he’s not really interested in skin, his passion is more about health. He’s the founder of Sierra Sciences and his tagline is – love this – cure ageing, or die trying

Then there’s Rachel D’Aguiar and her husband Chris who do have an interest in skin. Put them together with Dr Andrews and you have skin magic. 🙂 

Happy days! That’s super good news for you and me.

Youtherising Discovery

You see Dr Andrews has identified a telomerase that re-lengthens the telomeres. 

“There isn’t a disease I know of that hasn’t been connected to shortened telomeres, telomerase fixes this,” Dr Bill Andrews.

Makes Skin Biologically Younger

In fact, One Truth 818 Serum is the first skincare product in the world with the potential to make skin grow biologically younger, thanks to Dr Andrews’ discovery of the TAM-818 molecule. 

The Lowdown

One Truth 818 is a light, velvety serum, which releases the TAM-818 substance deep below the skin’s surface. It also hydrates and strengthen’s the skin’s natural barrier and reduces sensitivity.

With 30 days of daily use, One Truth is clinically proven to decrease wrinkles by 14%, improve skin firmness by 20%, reduce the appearance of crow’s feet and forehead wrinkles by 11% and 15% respectively and boost elasticity by 8%. 

NB: One Truth 818 Serum is not tested on animals and contains no parabens, preservatives or artificial fragrances. It is non-sensitising, non-toxic and dermatologically tested. 

“Just like the caps on your shoelaces, the older the telomeres get, the more worn out and shorter they become, until they are rendered useless. Telomere shortening is one of the biggest, yet most unknown killers of humans today. By putting a halt to the shortening of our telomeres – or even better, lengthening them – the cures for a long list of telomere shortening related diseases Is one step closer.” – Dr Bill Andrews


Shop it: $299

Star rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐



For the record: ageing and aging can be spelt both ways, it’s confusing I know! I use ageing. 

#skincare #beauty #anti-aging #telomerase #OneTruth818


Thanks for stopping by,

Yours in health & happiness 🌸


Main image by Stephen Robinson