OK, let’s talk about belly fat even though you might not want to!
I get it, I really do.
It’s kind of not nice when it rears its head (so to speak).
But the thing is, once we’re over 40, diminishing estrogen levels shift our body fat from the butt and thighs to the abdomen – that’s just evolution.
Add in things like stress, over-exercising and insulin resistance and you’ve got a perfect storm for belly fat, especially during perimenopause / menopause. And it’s adipose tissue (the term scientific term for fat!) that’s hard to shift.
Eek, I’ve Got A Muffin Top
Photo by Monika Kozub @unsplash
It can be a rude awakening if this comes to town but the good news is you can beat belly fat. You won’t change your new body shape but you can get rid of the pudge.
But the thing is it’s not just about how we look or even about the fat that sits just under our skin (known as subcutaneous fat). It’s also about visceral fat which can be downright dangerous. because it surrounds your organs and sits much deeper than the subcutaneous stuff.
The danger comes in because it can lead to chronic diseases like heart disease, type-2 diabetes and stroke. Scary stuff indeed, right? But hopefully, a good enough wake-up call that you’ll want to take stock.
How Much (Belly Fat) Is Too Much?
Because there’s quite a focus on this these days there’s a pretty good equation to figure out if you should be worried about your belly fat. Check out the video below.
As a general guide, for women, anything over 90 cm or 35 inches is a worry, however, MD Anderson Cancer Centre say we should aim for less than 80 cms or 31.5 inches. For men, they say less than 94 cm or 37 inches.
What Can You Do To Reduce Belly Fat
Do you want the good news or the good news? 😂😂😂 A lot.
First up, weight gain is 80-90% what you do in the kitchen so food is a major player.
What you eat and how much you eat though portion sizes can throw some people. An easy guideline is to load up half your plate with vegetables, a quarter with protein, and an eighth each healthy fat and carbohydrate.
Here are 7 hard to beat tips to nixing belly fat!
7. Try intermittent fasting
Personally, this is one of my favourite things to do but it’s not for everyone. For example, if you are highly symptomatic do check in with us so we can guide you.
Read a more in-depth overview of IF here
And if you would like some step-by-step help to getting rid of belly fat, increasing insulin sensitivity, loving your liver and gut and creating space for happy hormones, happy weight, happy skin and a happy life, do get in touch with me.
I’m Jenna, an accredited holistic health coach with a passion for helping women after 40 with weight gain and bullying peri / menopause hormones.
I do this work because I’ve been there so I pivoted careers and hit the (study) books so that I could find answers and share them with you. 🙂
Main photo: Robert Penaloza @unsplash